CHAMPS 尊 臣( 英 国) 房 产 投 资 管 理有限公司,成立于英国伦敦,是当地最早、最专业的华人海外房产投资管理集团之一。成立 10 多年来,CHAMPS 尊臣为全世界的华人提供高端房产租赁、英国置业投资项目咨询、项目并购,以及全程物业托管维护等专业服务。
由于杰出的市场表现,CHAMPS尊臣不仅受到Berkeley Group、Mount Anvil、Barratt Homes、Taylor Wimpey、Fairview等英国开发商及银行的青睐,代理超90%的顶级楼盘,更是成为了上千名海外房东的专属管家,为2000余套优质物业保驾护航。
CHAMPS 尊臣拥有在英国开发一手楼盘的经验,以及专业的租赁团队。我们对英国的房产投资市场和租赁市场有绝对清晰的一手了解。我们了解跨境地产交易架构,掌握英国独家的特色地产金融产品。
CHAMPS 尊臣的团队来自国际顶尖投行和咨询公司,囊括了经验丰富的海外投资市场顾问及物业管理专家,并配备资深中英法律、财务顾问,专业呵护每一户房东的业。
The Champs (UK) Limited is a member of Property Ombudsman which is an approved redress scheme under the Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress Act 2007. Our TPO Membership Number is D11000. We abide by their codes of practice. The TPO Consumer guide and more information about TPO can be found at
The Champs (UK) Limited is a member of Propertmark Client Money Protection. Our Propertymark Client Money Protection Scheme Reference Number is CMP000649.
Please click here to see our CMP Scheme Certificate.
Please click here to see our Procedures for Handling Client Money.
The Champs (UK) Limited is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO). Our reference number is ZA447276.
We take customer service very seriously and if you feel that we have not met your expectations, or if you have any complaint, please put it in writing, including as much detail as possible to send to us. Our customer care will then respond in line with the timeframes setting out our in-house customer care and complaint procedure given here. If you feel we have not sought to address your complaints within eight weeks, you may be able to refer your complaint to the Property Ombudsman to consider without our final viewpoint on the matter.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
+44 (0)20 3283 4038